ProcureTech Community Guidelines
- Sellers may not pay to influence the results of their profile on our site e.g., a Vendor cannot pay us so the most favourable reviews are shown first
- Any offensive or sensitive content cannot be posted on ProcureTech, breaches of this may result in account suspension or termination
- The average scores and ratings of products are calculated without human input to ensure the most fair and objective image of the software is portrayed
- Reviews that can be deemed as spam or unrelated content will be removed
- Rejecting Reviews – reviews that do not meet our standards for quality and completeness will be removed. This is because we aim to maintain a high quality of the reviews on the website to ensure the buyer has the most accurate and honest information available to them when making buying decisions
- We are very strict on privacy and do not share details with third parties without prior user permission permitting us to do so
- When posting reviews, it is best to use your real identity as this can help you be credited with your comments in the future
- Those who use the platform incorrectly such as posting irrelevant content or abuse site rules will be removed from the site
- Where a reviewer has a conflict of interest in a company they want to review, a review should not be made to maintain the integrity of the system
- All reviews made must be original and not ported over from another source
- When writing a review, personal or sensitive information should not be included as this may lead to the review being removed by the ProcureTech team
- Even if the reviewer has had trouble with the vendor, any comments related to purported criminal actions or legal proceedings unless the comments have been officially ruled on by a court
- All reviews are treated the same when they are checked for content or accuracy irrelevant of whether the review is positive or negative and the parties involved
- Although we like for reviewers to include some of their details, we respect the desire for some reviewers to be anonymous.
- If you feel a review may breach our guidelines or has other issues, please flag this review with our support team at the following email: [email protected]
- Vendors must not egregiously communicate with reviewers regarding the content of their review, any response must be constructive and represent positive discourse between the two parties